Software bugs cause a loss of confidence in customers, make it difficult to attract new ones, or even eliminate products from the market. That is why good testing, leading to the elimination of such bugs, is essential.

There are two main categories of tests. Manual and automatic test. Let’s look closer!

Manual tests

Manual testing is a process in which a tester acts as a user and checks the software for bugs, inconsistencies with specifications and other problems.

In the early stages of a project the software is unstable, new features are being frequently added and requirements change. A manual tester understands this. His flexibility allows thriving in an environment, where automation would fail.

Automatic tests

Test automation, on the other hand, is a process in which tests are performed automatically using special tools and scripts. Tester writes the code used to automate his actions.

An automated test can check a click on a particular button or check whether a whole sequence of actions leads to the expected result. When the project is no longer being changed rapidly and big features are being added less frequently, e.g. after the MVP is released, it’s when the automation shows the best results.

Automated tests execute much faster than a manual tester would. There can be hundreds of test cases, each could take even a couple of minutes for a person to perform, making the full manual test suite last for hours or days. Automation allows performing entire test suites in a matter of minutes. It is a highly effective way to check whether new changes to the code have introduced errors into the existing software.

This is especially important for long-term maintenance of software. To be sure that we won’t be surprised by any big defect when we modify it.

What is E2E testing?

End-to-End Testing, in IT projects, is a strategic quality control process that involves testing the entire IT system to verify that it works properly from ‘start to finish’. This particular type of testing is designed to simulate real-life user scenarios and connect all system components.

Consider such an example. We have an online store that allows users to add products to a shopping cart and then pay for them. In this case, the test of e2e could be to check the entire shopping process, i.e.:

  • whether the user can add the product to the shopping cart
  • proceed to the checkout
  • select a payment method
  • pay and get a confirmation of this payment

It will test the frontend, backend, and database at the same time. Such a test allows you to verify whether the overall flow of information in the system is smooth and as expected, which is crucial for the effective implementation of the project.

So why is it worth investing in tests?

There is a belief that developers can test their product and testers are unnecessary. This is a wrong conviction.

Developers do not always notice their mistakes because they are convinced that the product they are creating is flawless. They frequently test their product selectively, ignoring the performance of the product as a whole. Programmers are also often not interested in testing, preferring to develop and build new solutions. It is up to the tester to be ‘professionally pessimistic’ and to take a critical look at the complete product.

Higher quality

By eliminating bugs and defects at earlier stages of the project, testing allows to build high-quality software that meets users’ requirements and expectations, works efficiently and effectively, and is easier to maintain and expand.

Reduced costs

Identifying and fixing bugs at the testing stage reduces the costs associated with later fixes and crashes of the application being used by users.

For example, it is estimated that software bugs cost the US economy $59.5 billion per year, impacting companies that rely on software in a wide range of areas. More than half of these costs are carried by software users, leading to economic consequences.

A research study by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) found that an improved testing infrastructure could eliminate approximately $22.2 billion of these costs by identifying and fixing defects at earlier stages of product development.

This underlines the importance of testing a product before it is released to the market. Unfortunately, a large percentage of defects are still discovered at a later stage of development. At worst, during the use of the software after it has been sold. When the cost of fixing defects is much higher because the product is complex and the factor causing the defect in the software is harder to find.

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Customer satisfaction

Bugs appearing in the application can effectively discourage future and current users, so trouble-free and efficient software equals satisfied users who are more likely to use the application and recommend it to others.

Company image

High-quality and well-tested products positively affect the company’s image as one which cares about quality, user satisfaction and trouble-free functioning of its services.

To summarise, end-to-end testing, test automation and manual testing are the triangle that keeps high software quality.

For business founders, investing in these practices results not only in product stability and reliability, but also in satisfied customers.

Finally, attention to software quality is an investment in a company’s long-term success.